
“手足四肢就像身體的其他部位一樣,需要瑜珈來做到放鬆與不同的伸展” says fingeryoga.com.   特定的動作來說,其實手指頭的伸展就像是身體器官呈現的縮影。作者透過手指的瑜珈來幫助自己在攀岩嘗試後的手指緊繃的伸展與舒緩。透過許多不同的手指伸展動作,下列的方式是作者最喜歡幾個不同手指伸展。有幾個主要的參考步驟:重複每個指頭/換手。擁有18年物理治療師和運動訓練師臨床經驗的Susan Saliba博士建議手指運動在伸展時保持手腕平直,彎曲手腕伸展會導致腕管隧道症候群。(不過伸展大拇指的時候是ok的)。每一個伸展維持數秒,不要過度的伸展,任何的伸展都不應該感受到痛喔。

Tech Tips: Finger Yoga
1. For an "opening" stretch of the knuckle nearest your palm, relax your grip and straighten the fingers of your left hand. Use your right thumb to lift the first finger. Apply pressure at about the middle joint, pushing the finger back and keeping your other fingers straight. 

Tech Tips: Finger Yoga

2. For "closing" the joints, press your first finger to the palm, while opening the rest of the fingers on your hand. Grip across your left pointer finger with your right hand, using the heel of your hand to apply pressure to the joint closest to your hand. Move down to the middle knuckle, and then use your thumb and forefinger to apply isolated pressure to the last joint.

Tech Tips: Finger Yoga
3. To loosen up your hands laterally, use your right hand to grip your left pointer. Pull it gently up and away from the rest of your fingers, toward your thumb. Reverse the stretch, pulling the finger across your other fingers toward the pinkie.

Tech Tips: Finger Yoga
4. Now, do the splits: Use your right hand to press the left forefinger flat toward the palm. At the same time, use your right fingers to press the other fingers of your left hand gently up and back. This time, you are stretching one finger down and the rest of the fingers up.

Tech Tips: Finger Yoga
5. To stretch your thumb, bend your wrist forward and use your right hand to press the left thumb flat into the left wrist. Relax, and then press the thumb straight across the palm. Relax once more, and finally press it straight back away from the palm, as shown in the illustration. Then switch hands.
